
Friday 22 June 2018

Spam from China

In my de-spammer, I have a category of email I call "non-roman". This is all email in alphabets that I cannot read. Maybe it's spam, maybe it isn't, but if I can't read it, I'll never know.

In the last week or so, there has been a huge rise in spam in Chinese. This is only part of what arrived in the last several hours. Over the same time period, there were only 24 spams that weren't in Chinese.

1 comment:

  1. Hey , Its not spam its the menu from Chalfont Oriental Take Away!!
    I remember them from WAYYYY back, they used to do great fluffy topped pastry steak and kidney pies!! If I remember rightly, they are No. 127 on this menu, Fried Rice was No. 34 :)
